Moana - in which the tale of a Chosen One gets everything right, with songs! Moana is a little girl who loves the Pacific Ocean, in a period of time when gods and people still had regular interactions. She just wants to explore the world, but it is dangerous, and her father has plans for her to be a great leader for her people. And so, Moana does a lot of learning and seems like she could be ready to really lead the island, but things start to go sour, and her solution is to venture into the dangerous ocean, beyond the reef. This turns out to endanger some of her citizens, but she doesn't give up on the idea of leaving the island. Her nice grandmother sings to her that she should follow her heart, and when the Ocean shows Moana that her people have some BIG ships in storage, but no one talks about it, Moana confronts her Grandmother about it. Grandma tells her that she must venture out and find the trickster god Maui, and force him to replace the heart of the mother spirit, which the Ocean gave to Moana when she was a baby - because the Ocean is an amazing judge of character. It will be hard to sneak off, oh wait, Moana's grandmother dies to distract everyone, leaving Moana the perfect opportunity to split.
She sails super far, chanting like Inigo Montoya, about her plans for Maui and finds him, and he is a jerk, and he tries to strand her on the island he's been stuck on for years, but the Ocean doesn't let that happen. They sail, using the stars, to the place where Te Fiti used to live, but now this lava monster is there, and they have to fight her to help Te Fiti. Before they can get there, they need to stop in the realm of monsters and get Maui's magic hook from Tamatoa, and he makes a whole musical production out of the heist. Its amazing. So, they get back on the road, and their first assault on the lava monster takes a toll on Maui, and he bails, then Moana isn't sure she was the right girl for the job, but her Grandma shows up and comforts her with song. Moana decides she's gonna keep fighting, and Maui shows up to help her, and she super sails her boat past the lava monster, but Te Fiti is gone! Wait, Te Fiti is the Lava Monster. Her heart is restored, and the goodness is restored to the Ocean and all its islands. Moana goes home and is a great leader to her people, and her dad is proud.
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