Deranged - in which the true, boring story of Ed Gein is told through the use of 70's era low-budget horror techniques and mediocre acting. Apparently, the movie has an alternate title, or, a subtitle of Confessions of a Necrophile. Gross. So, the main character is Ezra Cobb, AKA Ed Gein, and he is played by the snow-shovel killer neighbor from Home Alone. There are no children is this movie. So, the worst parts are when Ed is in some weird, carpeted club, talking to waitresses (who you murder when you can't find a prostitute!), and ordering drinks it doesn't look like he can afford. So, he brings home that one girl to murder by "acting natural" and convincing her to go against her instincts and protestations and enter his creepy home. Surprise! His mother's corpse is there, he dug her up because he missed her after her funeral. Bam! Kills her with blunt force trauma. It is only a surprise to her, not to the audience in any way. Soooo, he's got cereal bowls made out of human skulls, and then he kills another girl at some point, using much of the same methods. It takes forever, and all he wants to do is chop them up and replace decaying parts of his mother with parts of women he is definitely sexually attracted to. Everything in this movie is gross. It even smells gross. Finally, the uncomfortable movie rolls some credits I think it already showed us, and we are left to try to think of a decent segue to having normal conversations or sexual relations, meanwhile not admitting any wrong doing about putting Deranged on in the first place. It's fine, I have a lot of other things to talk about.
PS. There is a narrator.
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